Tuesday, January 22, 2013

4 Ways To Tap Into the Wealth of Your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

 Who are you at the core? 

            Each of us has an eternal spring that keeps us pressing on through adversities; do you know how to draw from that well? It is a reserve of perseverance and endurance, the nature of your past applied to your current environment, the source to nurture your family circumstances and attend to the challenges and opportunities of the present day. What does this well of abundance look like for you?

            Your journey to your current place in time is unique here and you are accompanied and your story is enriched by the baggage you hoist.

            Now it is totally and measurably about you.

            What makes you stand out?

            Do you also recognize your less desirable personality quirks that could sabotage your success? Can you identify how to stay out of your own way?

            Self-awareness and knowledge are critical in this shifting landscape. Knowing the aspects of our personality that are “good, bad, and ugly” allows us with the realism we need to fuel the drive down our individual paths. This information about ourselves is a valuable tool for negotiating new territory and exploring unrealized opportunities, both professionally and personally.

            I believe we are each bestowed with abilities of wonder, making us this unique blend. From arts, culinary, mechanical, scientific or plain common sense, the range of what we bring to the world is vast. Some gifts we are born with, others come as the results of how parents, caregivers, and teachers have instructed us. Eventually our own choices and pursuits add to this list of areas where we can excel.

            Our goal is to find these talents, at the right time, with the right count. Do not delay. Do not let others keep us from this treasure. These attributes shelter us in the turmoil of today, becoming our "fall back" in challenging economic and career times.
So here are four ways to best tap into this personal reservoir.

  1.   Recognize That Assessment Is Continuous (Of Self, Skills And Situation). 

            Why? Because things change. We grow as we have new experiences and acquire fresh knowledge. Making decisions prompts new insights. Otherwise we stagnate when the status quo is just too comfortable. Sometimes a situation changes and causes us to reassess our options. Life’s interruptions can sway us and we’re forced to shift in another direction. Family additions or losses challenge or comfort us. Societal issues impact our lives such as global conflict, budget cuts or innovations in our industries. Windfalls in personal finances or new technology cause us to rethink our plans. Our strengths are zapped or recharged in these moments.

2. Don't Underestimate Or Downplay Yourself.  

            Learning to package ourselves with all of our talents, skills and abilities is Task One. What has brought you to where you are? Stand proudly there. Too many times, I hear people say, "I'm just a ... " when asked about what they do. Think about all you have to offer and be able to put it out in the universe with power. All career fields and jobs have value in this world. Single or married, college education or GED, suburban, rural town or inner city—‘it’s all good”, solidify your place to be and give.

3. Capitalize On Strengths.  

            Who’s the best person to …? The “old folks”, like we do now, asked this question to identify resources, for everyday survival. Mostly the sources were individual enterprises, built on strengths. From raising children, doing or cutting hair, to project management or cooking to playing basketball, we each bring our unique talents to our professional and personal lives. Figure out what you do well and market that to the max. “Do you” naturally. Claim your abilities and use them smartly. Use those gifts that allow us to circumvent and morph through daily and sustaining challenges. Bring them with enthusiasm!

4.   Acknowledge Weaknesses (Or Development Areas), Liabilities And Limitations

            None of us are perfect people. And yes we all have stuff and issues. Knowing our weaknesses helps us determine which ones we can correct and provides a degree of direction for improvement. With awareness of our liabilities in tow, this data helps us to avoid wrong careers or environments. Then there are some tasks or skills we just cannot do, they are our limitations. Various aspects of our personalities help or hinder us. Patience, attention to detail, outgoing or shy—some of us are, some of us aren’t. Own up!

Excerpted from the book, For People of Strength, Soul, and Spirit: 7 Guidelines for Life & Career Success  https://www.createspace.com/3983828 or Amazon

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